Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Financing Avialable

This financing program sends out the required information to over a dozen different lenders to ensure that your loan fits you and your project the best way it can.  This process does not even require a social security number.  

The form can be filled out on our website at South Shore Gunite financing or on Paramounts website at new pool financing

Paramount financing is a service offered by a pool products manufacturer.  Their motivation behind this is to provide all the help they can to people who want swimming pools because when a swimming pool is sold they profit.  Paramount does not make money off of the loan itself.

reply or contact us for additional information.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Swimming Pool Questions and concerns

I would like to encourage everyone and anyone to post up a question, or concern that you may have about building or owning a swimming pool.  South Shore Gunite designs, builds, maintains and repairs pools from your basic 18,000 gallon backyard pool all the way up to NCAA competition pools such as the 980,000 gallon pool at Brown University.